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Melissa Simpson

Melissa is an Aroostook County Native that believes in the power of a Strong Community. Moving to York County 13 years ago, she met her husband and started to raise her family here.   As an active Member of the Sanford PTA over the past few years, she really wanted to make a difference for the youth in our community. Being a Positive Influencer has always been a passion of Melissa’s, and she believes that our children are most important. Sanford is her home and she is thrilled to join in the efforts to make the Sanford Community a better place. Currently raising her two daughters here, both enrolled in the Sanford Public School Department, she has found a calling to help as much as she can and strives to do more. Her daughters also attend many outside programs in the community and they are always eager to help in the efforts of giving back. Wanting to be more involved and find ways to bring the community together, Melissa started offering a Kids Crafts in the park and coordinated a City Wide Yard Sale. When researching where she should donate proceeds from her efforts, she found Strategies for a Stronger Sanford to be the perfect fit. Knowing this program is about bringing the community together and supporting each other it just made sense. Bringing people together really is a vital part of making a difference.

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