Mission Statement:
The mission of the Sanford Cadets is to motivate personal growth in young people allowing them to become better citizens. The program offers participants the opportunity to develop self discipline, confidence and pride in a job well done. It challenges them to promote citizenship through community service, develop leadership potential, strengthen self esteem and improve their physical fitness. It encourages them to live a drug free healthy lifestyle, and promotes graduation from high school which provides a solid foundation for their future.
The cadet academy was created in 2009. Our goal at the time was to educate young adults on law enforcement. It was soon apparent that the academy was more then that as parents began sending letters and telling the staff about changes they had seen in their children. Both parents and the participants of the program had requested for the academy to be longer. In the summer of 2010 we held the first three-week academy that continued into the first school year of the Cadets Program.
40 Developmental Assets:
The Cadets Program utilizes approximately 34 out of the 40 developmental assets that are critical in youth development as identified by the Search Institute. Grounded in extensive research in youth development, resiliency, and prevention, the Developmental Assets represent the relationships, opportunities, and personal qualities that young people need to avoid risks and to thrive.
Sanford Police Cadets is administered by Strategies for a Stronger Sanford.
For more information, click here.